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Lower Flathead Valley Community Foundation
What We Do
Growing Our Community The Old Fashioned Way.
Based on the philanthropy of Vera Jensen, long-time Flathead Lake resident, the Lower Flathead Valley Community Foundation was created by Don Olsson JR., Bill Edelman, and Phil Grainey. It was Vera’s desire to create a permanent gift for the residents of the Lower Flathead Valley. She particularly wanted the needs of children and understanding between the cultures to be the mission of the Foundation. Vera also was a committed protector of the environment.
The original endowment was invested following the appointment of an initial board. Since 1999, the Foundation has grown Vera’s original gift to nearly $3 million dollars, while providing nearly $2 million in small community grants to worthy projects in the Lower Flathead Valley.
Currently the Foundation is awarding nearly $150 thousand dollars per year to worthy community projects and organizations.
Who We Are
The endowment Tax Credit helps build charitable endowment. An endowment is a permanent fund held by or for a charity whereby only the income and growth is used to carry out the charity’s mission. Endowments help meet ongoing community needs. – The endowment tax credit helps “lessen the burden” of government. By strengthening endowments, charities are more capable of resolving social, educational, healthcare and cultural problems. – The Endowment tax credit can raise revenue. A philanthropy tax credit is a one time credit offered primarily for a “planned gift”. A planned gift is a type of gift vehicle which often significantly increases spendable (and thus taxable) income of the taxpayer each year for the remainder of his or her lifetime. – The endowment tax credit keeps otherwise spent federal capital gains tax dollars in Montana. A planned gift avoids federal capital gains tax which can cost taxpayers up to 20% of the gain on the sale of appreciated assets. -The endowment tax credit keeps future federal estate tax dollars in Montana. A planned gift avoids future federal estate tax dollars which can cost taxpayers up to 50% of the amount used to fund the planned gift. – The endowment tax credit saves federal income tax dollars. The endowment tax credit encourages Montanans to be generous to charities, yielding federal tax savings.
How it works.
– The endowment Tax Credit helps build charitable endowment. An endowment is a permanent fund held by or for a charity whereby only the income and growth is used to carry out the charity’s mission. Endowments help meet ongoing community needs. – The endowment tax credit helps “lessen the burden” of government. By strengthening endowments, charities are more capable of resolving social, educational, healthcare and cultural problems. – The Endowment tax credit can raise revenue. A philanthropy tax credit is a one time credit offered primarily for a “planned gift”. A planned gift is a type of gift vehicle which often significantly increases spendable (and thus taxable) income of the taxpayer each year for the remainder of his or her lifetime. – The endowment tax credit keeps otherwise spent federal capital gains tax dollars in Montana. A planned gift avoids federal capital gains tax which can cost taxpayers up to 20% of the gain on the sale of appreciated assets. -The endowment tax credit keeps future federal estate tax dollars in Montana. A planned gift avoids future federal estate tax dollars which can cost taxpayers up to 50% of the amount used to fund the planned gift. – The endowment tax credit saves federal income tax dollars. The endowment tax credit encourages Montanans to be generous to charities, yielding federal tax savings.